通过试用期-Passed the Probation




更好笑的是上个月竟然有一家中介打电话给我问我愿意不愿意回Trowbridge的一家化妆品公司做Senior Buyer。薪水自是比我现在要高。就我所知,Trowbridge那巴掌大点儿的地方,化妆品公司只有一家,就是我做的第一家。电话打给中介,几句话聊下来,果不其然是原来那家公司,被我当场谢绝。
















The pictures of my previous company shocked many blog friends. Buckets were everywhere in the open plan for the rain dripping from the ceiling. In winter time, I had to put all my coats on, sometimes even my hat and scarf on as I was sitting in front of the door. And the bucket was just behind my seat. The chair I used was short of one arm. Fortunately everything changed after I joined this big company, my current working office
is very modern with air-conditioners.

Everybody has laptop. The screen above the desk is just an extra screen for the laptop. It is convenient for this working style as we have meetings and conference calls everyday. We carry laptops all over the building. Some of my colleagues travel all the time.

There is a shower room on each floor. Some colleagues may come from Gym directly in the morning or swim during the lunch time. It is very convenient to have a shower in the company.


The menu is sent to us a week in advance. Food is various with different countries themes – Italian, Indian, Asian, etc. Sandwiches, salad, café and dessert are served all the time. Hot foods are not provided 24 hours, but most of the time if you feel hungry and go to the canteen, you can always find something to eat. Many colleagues even have breakfast there. Sometimes when the weather is good, the canteen will arrange the BBQ outside the canteen, along the bank. There is a river outside the building.

After I started working here, I cook less and less not because of I am getting lazy, just too much to do every day. Instead of cooking every day, I cook once or twice a week. Most of the time I just eat in the canteen, particularly when T is on a business trip.

Friday afternoon there is always a trolley service. The canteen staff pushes the trolley with various biscuits, cakes, scones, etc to open plan. We can increase weight easily without notice. 🙂


Before I joined this company, I had never cared whether I work for a big company or a small company. I always think a good direct boss/supervisor is far more important than the company. But I have changed my mind after I have been working here. Colleagues here are much more diverse with different nationalities and backgrounds. Also we have to deal with other colleagues in different countries all the time. My colleagues here are quite different to any companies I worked before. Many of them have been to different countries. I can always find some topics to discuss with them. They are much more open-minded, friendly as there is no financial pressure from the company, employees are more pleasant rather than fighting for survival.

Both my boss and supervisor have been working here more than 3-4 years. They know  what they are doing. They are always there to offer help and assistance. Some of my team members are complaining that they are too patronizing. Is it not good? I think if your boss
cares about you, it is better than they ignore you. 🙂 I quite enjoy working with my boss/supervisor. When I heard my supervisor is going to be promoted to another department next year, I was upset for a while. It is good for him, but a new supervisor knows nothing and may not be helpful. Particularly the structure of this company makes communication between my supervisor and I crucial. If there is not sufficient communication and information flow, it could create a lot of problems for my work.


When I was 19, I finished my first temporary job and moved to another place for a  temporary job. My father told me this is your last day of this job. Make sure you do it as your normal day. Don’t think because this is your last day then you can work carelessly. I remember that day I was still the last person to leave the office, cleaned the room and covered the computer properly. Since then, I have changed my jobs many times, but even when I had been laid off, the day when I was on the job I always ensured I do my job  properly.

The day when I left SS, I should have left the company at 12.00, but because there were still emails came in, I was busy finishing all my work until almost 14.00. When another colleague approached me and asked me to do something else and Anita shouted at me: Leave it, just go.

When I read “Grade Six” ’s blog several weeks ago– she wrote that every time when she changes her job, she always ensures that the old job was passed over smoothly and properly. I always admire and respect the people who are conscientious on their jobs.

The first two weeks when I joined this company was very tough for me as there was too much information crammed into my brain – the structure, strategy, system and are so complicated. In the meantime, the guy who trained me did not care anymore because he was going to be transferred to another department. After he left the position, I was still
correcting his work for almost a month. Even now I still pick up the wrong costs from his projects. A wrong decision to choose a wrong supplier left many problems to face at the moment.

Outside of the Building

There is a big park outside the company building. When the weather is good, I quite enjoy walking back home as long as no need to carry the laptop. 😉 Two weeks ago, Sunday afternoon I started running in the park – I feel embarrassed to say I am jogging there. Since I left high school I have never jogged again. Running was my weakest activity
when I was a high school student. I only run around when I am playing table tennis or tennis. I stopped all these activities almost three years after being pregnant, hope I can get back to normal again soon.

You can see the company building from distance.

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24 Responses to 通过试用期-Passed the Probation

  1. Wei Juan says:



  2. Wei Juan says:




    你办公楼下的环境很好滴呢,同我们这城的那个大大大…大公园看上去有些像呢,就是我跑步也经常经过的那个公园。你为公司拍的招聘广告的照片,拍得赞 ~ 一看就是漂亮、可亲的职业女高手!

    • 凤舞旷宇 says:

      Wei Juan:是啊,我接手接到现在,还有很多后遗症呢。希望将来能不断调整,汲取别人的教训,好好做自己的事情。

  3. 依云 says:



    • 凤舞旷宇 says:




  4. 好人有好报!现在终于尝到幸福的果实了,祝福==

  5. joanne says:


  6. Summer says:


    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  7. Nancy says:

    亲爱的,恭喜你转正啊 !我也喜欢步步惊心里说的那句话,不过像楼上说的,的确是 “苦尽甘来”,细细 品味你的幸福吧 。喜欢你最后一张职业照,超级干练,衣服搭配好棒,赞一个!另外,喜欢你的妆 ,呵呵

  8. 中国的白领丽人,在异国的漂泊游荡中,终于找到自己的绿洲。读着,也很欣慰,和受到启发。


    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  9. Stephanie says:

    Bravo Ellen! Way to go.

  10. lisalee78 says:


  11. 我看那园区里的那几颗大树,都是枝叶浓密冲天,这是英国和欧洲常见的景象。植物在中国,多数都是稀疏缺少营养,加之空气污染,很少拍得出蓝天白云。地力肥厚,怪不得 Ellen 白领骨干精英如此容光焕发。

    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  12. cathy花語 says:


  13. dengaiwu says:




    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  14. dengaiwu says:


    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


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