波兰出差、今年的生日(The Business Trip and Birthday in Poland)







我在波兰的这一周温度基本在零度左右。公司给安排在华沙的喜来登酒店。(Sheraton Hotel)。




下图为王宫城堡(Zamek Krolewski),城堡建于13世纪末,原为木制结构。1569-1572年改建为王宫和议会所在地。1598-1619年扩建。王宫座落在古城堡当中,为五角形建筑。王宫屡次遭入侵者的破坏,在修复过程中不断地扩大。1939年王宫再遭德机轰炸,部分焚毁。1971年靠社会集资重建王宫。1984年修复的王宫对外开放。


总统府(Presidential Palace)。

圣约翰教堂(St. John’s Archcathedral )。

老城集市广场(Rynek Starego Miasta),华沙老城的中心广场。18世纪前一直是城市的中心,举办集市。如今广场周围是餐馆、礼品店、咖啡馆。
















The Business Trip and Birthday in Poland

I have completely lost track of time as I have to work day and night plus weekends. Every month when the cost cut-off date passes, I know one month has finished. When company’s new catalogue appears on my desk, it indicates that a new month starts.


I always thought a job should start from 9.00 a.m. till5.00 p.m.(朝九晚五), however the current job completely changes my routine. It starts from 5.00 a.m. till9.00 p.m.(朝五晚九). Everyday working 14 to 16 hours seems normal.


Suppose everyday I receive a hundred emails. It takes me at least 10 hours to deal with 70-80% of my emails. If I have to attend 3 meetings a day, each meeting takes an hour, which means I have to work 13 hours to finish 70-80% of my workload. The rest 20%-30% of workload accumulates everyday. If I want to finish over 90%, I have to work over 12 hours without attending any meetings. No matter how much time I spend on business trip or holiday or meetings, I have to compensate all hours’ loss by working overtime.


All tasks are set up with deadlines. I do my best to finish the urgent and priority ones first, however when these have been finished, the deadlines for the others are almost reached. Sometimes I feel like being completely buried in the dessert. I do all my effort to remove sand away from top of my head till my nose and my mouth, without taking chance to breathe yet, another strong wind blows the sand back to cover the top of my head again.


Although I worked in the Hong Kong office, I still accumulated huge amount of work in these two weeks due to time difference and slow speed to access the database in NHT. The company sent me to Poland for a business trip before I finished catching up.


KC, my supervisor left the company at the end of February. This trip was with my boss Tom before KC’s leaving. I did not have too much time with Tom since I joined the company as I reported to KC directly. This trip was a chance for me to present myself to Tom.


Tom is a fair-minded boss. There is a 360 degree evaluation in our company. After I passed my probation, he forwarded me the evaluation from the marketing and planning team. Most comments or opinions were not fair to me after joining the company for two months. (I can see the evaluation was made in June from the projects mentioned.)


I was lacking knowledge of all products developed in the last few years due to KC not passing me any related information. Even there are no basic records for the costs my predecessor filled in the tracking sheet as each project takes a long period of time for development. Not as lucky as Karla, she joined the Glass team three weeks before me, but she had much better view for the history record and all expertise passed from her supervisor.


I was pushed onto the stage – sitting in the matrix meeting to confront marketing, NPD, costing and other sourcing members, without any background knowledge. Everything I learnt later was based on my own observation.


It is easy to criticize anybody if you do not sit in their position, particularly main criticism was from marketing ladies. I did prepare several emails to cover myself in case Tom asked me about it, but he did not ask at all. I also did not explain to him because when he forwarded this evaluation was already four or five months after it had been made. In Chinese, we have a common saying “日久见人心” (rì jiǔ jiàn rén xīn, time reveals a person’s heart; it takes time to know a person.) I don’t like explaining myself, particularly for some comments I did not care at all.


Not like my ex-boss, Mick. Tom would not allow anybody slamming doors in front of me without saying anything, it did not come to that, sometimes just the tone of comments in the email was not fair, Tom definitely would push it back. As a boss he is good to support me all the time. 


The company arranged the Sheraton Hotel in Warsaw. Despite no swimming pool, it is still a nice and comfortable hotel. The hotel even serves Chinese plain congee as breakfast, however I think it is more Japanese style.  As our factory is located almost 1.5-2 hours away fromWarsaw, we had to get up early every morning and return to the hotel already around 19.30.

Tom brought me to the Old Town of Warsaw one night to look around. Several weeks ago Tom brought Martin to the same place. The only different is I am a bit lucky. When Martin was in Poland that week, it was the coldest week in Europe. Everyday in Poland was around -16C to -20C. Martin told me that his ears almost fell off when he arrived at the restaurant.


I prepared a down coat, wool hat and scarf for the trip. However the weather was not so cold. Temperature was around 0.  Tom took this photo for me in front of the Royal Castle. The Royal Castle is a castle residency and was the official residence of the Polish monarch. It is located at the entrance to the Warsaw Old Town. 


On the way to the restaurant, I took these photos – Presidential Palace. It is an elegant classicist latest version of a building that has stood on the site since 1643. Over the years, it has been rebuilt and remodeled many times after having been destroyed by invading armies.


When we passed the church/cathedral, we can see that all churches were still hold services. It was impressive to see so many people praying in the church that some had to kneel down at the corridor and back.


This is St. John’s Archcathedral. It is a Catholic church in Warsaw’s Old Town and the only one archcathedral in Warsaw. It is one of the oldest churches in the city and the main church of the Warsaw archdiocese. St. John’s Archcathedral is one of Poland’s national pantheons. Along with the city, the church has been listed by UNESCO as of cultural significance. 


Warsaw’s Old Town Market Place(Polish: Rynek Starego Miasta) is the center and oldest part of the Old Town of Warsaw. Immediately after the Warsaw Uprising, it was systematically blown up by the German Army. After World War II, the Old Town Market Place was restored to its prewar appearance. Now there are restaurants, cafés and shops around the Old Town Market Place.


Tom chose a traditional polish restaurant at the Square. I have to say Tom is a very effective communicator, friendly and open-minded. I enjoyed discussing business, colleagues, culture and hobbies etc. with him. It was good to discuss business issues outside of the office.


Tom asked me whether I have T’s photo on my iPhone. He was surprised when I answered no. I think the most important is you have somebody in your heart instead of on your phone. 😉 I told Tom I even never bought a birthday card for T and T either. Just two days after, T broke his record.  🙂


I can’t remember why we suddenly discussed the Chinese Zodiac. Tom asked me Chinese Zodiac of this year, I answered Dragon. Tom asked who decides which year is what animal? Is it Chinese government? I couldn’t help laughing. I was not laughing at him, but quite amused by his answer. You can’t imagine somebody who went toChina12 years ago and dealt with Chinese businesses for the past decade. And read “Economist” aboutChinaall the time, but did not know about basic Chinese culture.


Anyway I have been living inBritainalready nine years, many things I still do not know. I explained to him that Chinese Zodiac is a scheme that relates each year to an animal and its reputed attributes, according to a 12-year mathematical cycle.


When I said both Martin and I are Oxen. Tom asked what are the traits of Oxen? Are they all hard working and diligent? Shall we recruit only Ox next time? I laughed and told him that I am not sure these traits apply to all Oxen. I did read a few books of Chinese Zodiac when I was a teenager, but never care about it too much afterwards. I believe each person has his/her own personality.


Tom asked me about his Zodiac. I told him it is difficult to say because his birthday is around Chinese New Year. If his birthday before the Chinese New Year Day in that year, he is a Snake, otherwise would be a horse. He laughed and said he prefer to be a horse! To my surprise he searched the Internet first thing when he returned the hotel that night.


Tom ordered fish and I had rabbit. Normally I do not have heavy meal in the evening and also have early dinner compared to British. Because of heavy and late dinners inPoland, I increased almost 2kgs in five days.   😦


Thursday Tom and I went to see one of my main suppliers. The most exciting part is always the plant tour, which gave me chance to see the production process. After this tour, I am fully confident of my suggestion – I did not agree with KC’s decision to allocate one of projects to this supplier. Tom agrees with me and we made a rough calculation if we move this business to another supplier, it will give us at least 800 – 900K US dollars saving for the next two years with current demand. If our demand keeps growing, the total savings can over a million.


I had a late dinner on Thursday evening and went to bed around 11pm. Woke up at 2.00am in the early morning. Started working until 5.00am to have room service breakfast and check out the hotel at 6.00am. Tom and I had to fly from Warsawto the South of Poland –Rzeszowto visit another supplier.


Tom said happy birthday to me on the way to the airport. He is really a thoughtful boss. When we visited another supplier inBurnleyin March, he took me to the railway station. He thought I may miss my train and told me that he would drive around in case I missed my train I can call him. As he expected, I was 2 minutes late and the train had gone. After I phoned him, he parked car and met me at the station, checked that I needn’t to buy a new ticket, bought water and food for me to eat on the way back.


Maybe because I never had a good boss before, I do appreciate whatever he does for me. To my surprise before the Easter Holiday when I sat in the pub with other colleagues I heard their comments about Tom are totally different to my impression.


Tom sent everybody a text message to say thank you for everyone’s hard work during these difficult weeks. As a boss, he works much longer times than anybody else in the office. He can still text everybody shows his appreciation. I don’t understand why my colleagues are still moaning?


Once after a meeting with Tom, he asked me where he needs to improve? I almost said you are perfect. J It is easy to say that to my friends, but sounds weird to say that to my boss. Actually he is perfect in my eyes.


After landing at Rzeszow, it took another hour to go to the factory by car. This is my biggest supplier. Sometimes I feel sorry when they come to NHT, I can not treat them a dinner or lunch and even not a cup of coffee or tea due to our company rules. I really don’t understand we spend millions every year on this supplier, why we can’t treat them nicely? I always keep good relationship with my suppliers, sometimes they are more like my friends.


Even my supplier noticed that I was overloaded. This is the supplier that once said I worked so efficient, like the lightning. Irek told me he only knows two persons working during the weekends – one is his big boss in theUSand another is me.


2.00 pm after the meeting, the supplier brought Tom and I to a local restaurant for lunch. The restaurant is made of wood, like a house in child’s fairy tale. Everything in the restaurant is made of wood – chairs, tables and decorations. Even the menu was engraved on the wood and felt quite heavy. (All these photos were taken by supplier’s mobile.)


The oven behind us is for traditional polish bakery. Tom told everyone it is my birthday. One Polish traditional dish is called dumpling. It is quite like Chinese Dumpling (Jiao zi), but theirs are bigger and are fried.


Our plane was 18.30 from Rzeszow to Stansted. The terminal looks like a hut from outside because there are only two lounges. Tom joked with me and asked whether he should buy a bottle of champagne to celebrate my birthday? I told him to save it for 12 days after. We all laughing because that was the first day he gave me the first round interview. Tom said that his impression was that I was so calm after the car breaking down and being an hour late.


When I returned home it was almost 10.00pm. T prepared a birthday card and birthday cake for me. I have known him 14 years and this is the first time I received birthday card from T. (Thanks forNancy’s birthday card.)


To give somebody a birthday card is not Chinese tradition, whereas inBritaincards become more like an obligation. I remember Luca, my ex-colleague, he told me that his English wife writes a card in return to say thank you for receiving a card. Particularly in the company, people are always writing cards when somebody is leaving or having a birthday. The funny thing is one day Martin passed me a card to write, I noticed that everybody wrote best wishes for the new job and he wrote happy birthday! He even did not know who it is for and for what reason. I really don’t like this type of formality card. If I receive a card like this, it will go to the bin directly.


For the last ten years, I only took my initiative to post several cards. I always believe thought is much more important than formality. If somebody remembers my birthday, a simple “happy birthday” is enough instead of sending me a formality card. But I appreciate everything specially prepared for me. I like T’s card, typical English sense of humor. I couldn’t help laughing when I read it.


I know the cake T bought is for me to bring to the office. It suits locals taste, but not for my taste. I still like Chinese cakes as they are not so sweet.


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34 Responses to 波兰出差、今年的生日(The Business Trip and Birthday in Poland)

  1. 依云 says:

    happy birthday!!!

  2. W J says:

    说的真对,还真成了“朝5晚9” ,那你4点多就要起床吗?郁金香好漂亮,发现黄色和红色加上陪衬的绿叶,比单色的好看多了,我每次都是买单色的。迟到的生日祝福:健康、快乐!

    • 凤舞旷宇 says:



  3. WENDYYAN says:

    忙归忙, 气色好. Happy birthday!!! 我还有点想念人烟稀少的感觉呢.^0^

    • 凤舞旷宇 says:

      Wendy Yan:在亚洲所到之处都是人来人往,熙熙攘攘。你要上欧洲来,住在乡村的话,天天都甚少见个人,你就会盼望有机会感受点儿人心。呵呵。

  4. 勺子 says:


    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  5. joanne says:

    Happy birthday from belated wishes!!

  6. lisalee78 says:

    生日快乐,生日快乐! 你老公想的真周到。你这样的老婆确实不好找,任劳任怨,心地善良。中国女性的美好品质集一身。嘿嘿,,.帮你老公拍马屁

  7. lisalee78 says:

    朝5晚9 ! 辛苦辛苦。 波兰美食看起来还挺诱人滴!

    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  8. 凤姑娘的一篇篇博文,上天入地,天南海北,跨度极大。从朝5晚9,到飞往波兰的不同城市,生产轻轻带过,就带我们去了老城美食、5星酒店的大房间,颠簸之后,是老公的生日蛋糕,home is what our heart is,你在外面忙着,有这样的一个人在家里等着,那个幸福,此生足矣 … … 看得我屏息静气、目不转睛。

    你的公司,真是兴旺。在公司里打工,不怕忙,就怕闲,闲来危机就大了。故你看,外国人要祝福 keep busy, busy is business.


    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  9. 波兰好像还是用波兰币的吧? 我走遍许多地方,却从未去过东欧。

    • 凤舞旷宇 says:

      阿理教授:你说的很对,波兰仍然用ZLOTY, 中文不知道是什么啊?东欧也是因为来到这公司以后才有出差机会去的。因为工作忙所以真正旅游的很少。只是走马观花的看看罢了。谢谢教授的祝福。

  10. Fanny says:


    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  11. Nancy says:



  12. Nancy says:

    连文带图都读完了,呵呵,早五晚九,你还真幽默, 不过可以体会到你的辛苦,不容易啊。我有一天在店里工作10个小时,从早10点到晚8点,都有点受不了,真难想象要是天天工作10多个小时以上是怎么样的 。现在感觉在电脑前做长了腰就受不了,我觉得我是回不到办公室的工作了 。小木屋很特别哦,喜欢你坐在木制的餐椅上那张照片,感觉多特别,呵呵

    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  13. 看你的博客,工作很忙啊。要注意身体,别太劳累了。祝好!

    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  14. Zhenjun says:


    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  15. 指尖飞扬 says:


    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  16. Pingback: 2013年生日餐和蛋糕的故事 | 凤舞旷宇's space

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