失之毫厘,谬以千里(A minimal error results in wide divergence)




带着强烈的好奇心,我决定上网搜一下英文原文的新闻报道。结果英文原文是这样说的:A Cardiff student and her friends have stripped off in a naked calendar to raise money for a brain tumour charity after her mother was diagnosed with the disease.
Amy Morfoot, who attends Cardiff University, hopes to raise £5,500 for The Brain Tumour Charity, as well as increasing awareness of the effects of the often fatal disease.(http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/11/08/cardiff-student-strips-naked-charity-calendar_n_2092465.html)

女孩是在母亲诊断出脑瘤后,想借拍裸照年历,一方面是为了给 The Brain Tumour Charity (脑瘤慈善机构:http://www.thebraintumourcharity.org)筹款,一方面是想借此机会让身边(周围)的人意识到这种致命疾病的严重性。




拍裸体年历的女孩和同学们面带微笑,很多看到中国新闻报到的人就会说:你看她母亲都病 成这样了,她为了给母亲治病不得不出卖色相。这里面有报到的误导,同样也有对英国文化的误解。在英国能够亲身参与到慈善活动中,是一种荣誉。特别当你看到通过自己的努力筹到的钱帮到了别人,是一件很幸福满足的事情!



在伯明翰每年有一个大型的活动---每年12月的第一个周五晚上,自愿志们会在寒冷的冬夜用纸箱搭建成临时住房,在这里度过一晚,以此来为无赢利性组织St. Basils筹款(http://www.stbasils.org.uk/)。该组织主要是用于帮助伯明翰附近年轻无家可归的人安置住宿。而我上面提到的这家家族企业每年都是这个大型活动的赞助商。(我曾经在去年的博文:“圣诞大餐和伯明翰的圣诞市场”里提到过这项活动。)





A minimal error or deviation results in wide divergence

I have been sick since Christmas Eve and still have not fully recovered. I am not sure the sickness is due to stress from work or just something on my mind. Anyway let it go. 2013 is a new start.

I used a Chinese idiom as title for the Chinese version of this blog – “失之毫厘,谬以千里”(shī zhī háo lí, miù yǐ qiān lǐ)。毫厘(háo lí)are two small measurement units for length. The whole idiom means “A miss is as good as a mile./The slightest difference leads to a huge loss./ A minimal error or deviation results in wide divergence. ”

Once when I spoke to my parents on the phone, my mum told me a piece of news that showed on the local media, a female student from Cardiff University had stripped off for a calendar to raise money for her mom, who was diagnosed with brain tumor cancer.

My parents had been in the UK four years ago and they know that NHS provides free medical treatment for patients. They don’t understand why this girl needs to raise money for her mom’s treatment.

After the phone call, I knew there must be something wrong in the Chinese media. I found the original news from English newspaper as below.

A Cardiff student and her friends have stripped off in a naked calendar to raise money for a brain tumour charity after her mother was diagnosed with the disease. Amy Morfoot, who attends Cardiff University, hopes to raise £5,500 for The Brain Tumour Charity, as well as increasing awareness of the effects of the often fatal disease. (http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/11/08/cardiff-student-strips-naked-charity-calendar_n_2092465.html)

In my Chinese blog, I mentioned that hundreds of nurses and health care workers were in the show of 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony. The universal healthcare is one of the core values of British society. One of the reasons to put the NHS in the show is that everyone is aware of how important the NHS is to everybody in the UK. We believe, as a nation, in universal healthcare. It doesn’t matter how poor you are, how rich you are, you will get treated.

I also talked about the role of charity and some charity activities and how these events help to raise money for local societies and communities. British have much more awareness of social responsibilities than Chinese. I do not believe Chinese are lacking in social responsibility, however there is no proper channel for them to donate money or to do something for local societies.

Money is critical for hospital treatment in China. No money means poor treatment and less opportunity for survival. Charity and charity work are still primitive compared to the fast growing economy during the last twenty years in China. Most charities in China are government-linked, Chinese charities are repeatedly accused of corruption and misuse of funds. I even did not mention this in my Chinese blog. However my Chinese blog was still banned, locked and scrutinized by Baidu.

Actually I did not analyse or assume why China published this misleading news. My blog friend 7 wrote an article to analyse the reason (翻译偏差分析). I did not want to do it because the news was already wrong, I only need to clarify what the truth is, no point to assume the reason behind.

After I failed to publish my Chinese version on my baidu space, it triggered my deep thinking and I decided to write something different in this English version.

All media in China are controlled by government. Free media is always a disputed and sensitive topic in China. Just a week ago, there was a protest caused by Southern Weekly newspaper (Details can be seen here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-20954916).

The majority of well-educated Chinese are keen to know what happens overseas and eager to see different opinions in the media. Many university intellectuals secretly listened to VOA 20 or 30 years ago at the risk of being imprisoned. Although China media is much open than twenty years ago, many sensitive search words are blocked on the google search. Twitter, facebook, youtube and even Word Press cannot be used in China.

However several of my blog friends are still using Word Press to write their blogs by using virtual private networks (VPN), proxy servers or other technical tricks to bypass the Great Firewall (防火墙,fáng huǒ qiáng, it is a filtering system that blocks mainland Chinese Internet users from some international websites and web pages). Using VPS or other technical tricks to bypass the Great Firewall to gain access to blocked websites is called “jumping the wall” (fán qiáng 翻墙 ).

The web of The New York Times has been blocked after disclosing the corruption of the Chinese Premiere. One of my friends was angry as she cannot access to read news anymore. I suggested her to look at the web of International Herald Tribune, which is a co-operation between the New York Times and The Washington Post.

It is free media in the UK, but in contrast to well-educated young or middle-aged Chinese, you hardly see anybody reading world news from newspaper or TV. If you talk to the British, most of them only read local newspaper and do not care about what happens thousands of miles away.

Many of my friends think the British are so narrow-minded. They use a Chinese idiom to describe them as well frogs (坐井观天,zuò jǐng guān tiān). A frog to view the sky from the bottom of a well and believe what it sees is the whole sky. It is a metaphor for a person with a very limited outlook (narrow-minded).

I had the same opinion as my friends several years ago. Particularly I worked for two companies in a small town. Some of my ex-colleagues worked for the same company since they were 16 and never change their jobs in their life and all their friends and relatives are living in the same village or within 20 miles distance. I was quite frustrated for several years because it is very difficult to communicate with them. On the contrary, in China the people you work with have the same education level. For the ones who could not enter universities will be eliminated out from multinational companies or any office work.

It is free media in the UK, but difficult to say that the news on the media is without bias.  After the 2012 Olympics Games, one of my friends told me that she hardly saw any interview with Chinese champion. After the competition, the British journalist interviewed athletes from America, even they are in the 3rd or 5th place, whereas Chinese in the 1st place were not interviewed.

Frankly speaking I did not pay much attention to these details. In China, TV would only broadcast competitions with Chinese athletes in. In the UK I had the chance to watch a lot of sports that I never had the chance to watch in China and I quite enjoyed them.

But I believe my friend’s claim is true and I wouldn’t feel surprise about that. When the US had the gun-shooting on the 14th of December, 2012, BBC reported the news repeatedly day and night. On the same day, 22 children were wounded by a man with knife at a primary school in China (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-20723910) , but nothing has been reported in the UK TV and local newspapers at all.

Sometimes I feel sad to see how British are so unenlightened about the outside world, likewise I also feel sorry to see how Chinese are so restricted to discuss and to see the outside world. Thousands of years ago, Confucius said in the Analects: “In a group of three people, there is always something I can learn from. Choose to follow the strengths of others, use the shortcomings to reflect upon ourselves and correct them.” (三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。)

This does not only apply to a person, but also apply to a country. I believe for a person to have a life should always improve himself/herself. Knowing about other countries and other cultures will expand your horizons and help you to understand others and improve your behaviour. Same for a country, China has changed a lot in the last twenty years. No country should ignore these changes. To learn from other countries will only improve understanding rather than set prejudice in the international relationship.


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17 Responses to 失之毫厘,谬以千里(A minimal error results in wide divergence)

  1. 6 says:


  2. Christevy says:


    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  3. 指尖飞扬 says:


    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  4. 静水深流 says:


  5. 勺子 says:


    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  6. 7 says:


  7. 英国是个(比较)富裕了几辈子、平静温和的社会,只有在这样的社会,才会酝酿出爱心和社会互相的扶持精神。

  8. floraqiqi says:


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