圣诞大餐和伯明翰的圣诞市场 (Christmas Dinners and Birmingham)

我已经不记得狄更斯《A Christmas Dinner》里的细节了,书里大量描述了维多利亚时期英国人是如何准备圣诞晚餐来庆祝圣诞节的。写这部短篇的时候狄更斯只有22岁,这部短篇成为狄更斯后来创作名著《圣诞颂歌》(Christmas Carol)的基础。







这次老公的弟弟的女朋友选了一家中餐馆-The Henry’s(http://www.henrysrestaurant.co.uk/)。因为以前她选过一家中餐馆让我大倒了一番胃口(见前文:伯明翰之行)。这次本没报什么希望的,谁知道发现餐馆环境超好,做出的菜味道也好,难得中国人开得餐馆竟然每盘菜的装饰也做足了功夫。强烈推荐一下!:)虽然以粤式风格为主,但是中文菜谱上也有很多北方菜和四川菜。我点得煎酿三宝,老公弟弟说他们是不知道也不会点的。竟然连那盘蒜蓉空心菜都被吃了个精光。看样子英国人也并非不吃蔬菜,只是不会做罢了。

象往年一样,老公今年选了位于伯明翰的一家米其林餐馆:The Simpsons(http://www.simpsonsrestaurant.co.uk)。餐厅是一座乔治亚时期的建筑。




我的头盘:Scallop ravioli, boc choy, sesame seeds, lemon grass and ginger

老公的头盘:Fillet of halibut, burnt sweetheart cabbage, watercress and dill

我的主菜:Roasted guinea fowl, pastilla of confit leg, pomegranate, aromatic couscous, date & lemon purée, cumin sauce

我还是第一次见到把石榴放入菜中的,竟然连石榴籽都是温软的,我还在想石榴难不成是做熟的? 的确,但是却又保留了新鲜石榴的口感。一道菜里面各式味道却有七、八种。细细体味,每种相搭配却又是另一番滋味。我特意拍了一张吃的时候的照片。

老公的主菜:Loin of Balmoral venison, broccoli purée, sweed, walnuts, blueberries,  juniper sauce


主餐完毕,餐馆赠送的一款甜品:Apple Crumble ,但与英国传统的Apple Crumble又有其不同之处,内似有法国特有的奶酪香。

老公的餐后甜品:A selection of pasteurised & un-pasteruised English and Continental cheeses

我的甜品:Chocolate and parline tart, chantily, mandarin and lemon thyme sorbet







Christmas Dinners and Birmingham

Before I came toEurope, all I knew about Christmas was from books. When I was a child, I read “The Little Match Girl”, which was my first impression of Christmas. Roast goose, Christmas tree and joy all belong to rich people, whereas cold, hunger, loneliness and death are for the ordinary people.


When I read Dickens’ – A Christmas Dinner, I can’t remember the details now, but still remember how Victorian people prepared a Christmas dinner. At that time in my mind that English should all dress like in the book and eat in that manner. Many years later, when I came toEngland, I realized that mince pie was translated into Chinese – 肉馅饼(minced meat pie)is completely wrong. Actually there is no meat in the mince pie since Victorian time. The filling is preserved fruit. No matter how much you know about a country unless you living in that country, you would not notice how much of what you know is wrong.


After I came toEuropeas a student, Christmas was more a holiday than a festival. I did enjoy seeing the lights on the Christmas tree flashing from windows when I passed by each house. I liked to see all family members were sitting in the cozy lounge chatting and laughing. The flames of the fireplace warmed up the whole house, also warmed my heart when I passed the house. When I passed by these houses with my friends, we always dreamed one day that we could have a home like that. I could open gifts with my kids under a Christmas tree.


In reality, there is no decoration in my house apart from a Christmas tree. T keeps telling me that Christmas is for children. I had been invited by a friend inLeicesterto her home for a Christmas celebration. Her house is not big, but warm and cozy. I like the atmosphere there – flashing lights in the garden, decorated Christmas tree, windows and ceiling.  


Dining in Birmingham (Chinese Restaurant)


After I had been so many times inBirmingham, I always think it is pity that I can not find a descent Chinese restaurant in such a big and diversified city. There are lots of Chinese restaurants aroundChinaTowninBirmingham. However the food there is like from noodle shop in Hong Kong or from the street food vendors inAsia. It is suitable to eat there with intimate friends after shopping, but it is not suitable for business purpose. Maybe this country does not need to entertain customers anymore, not like inChina, at least I do not feel it necessary. This photo was taken in summer when I had in a Chinese restaurant inChinaTown– Thai style seafood noodles.


Before Christmas, we met T’s half-brother and his partner for dinner one night inBirmingham. Two years ago, his partner chose Wongs inBirmingham, which had been voted for Top 20 Chinese restaurants inBritain– must be English locals voted. I was the only Chinese there and there was no menu in Chinese in the restaurant. The food was awful. This time when she chose two Chinese restaurants and sent the web links to T, we made final decision to meet in The Henry’s. To my surprise it is a very good restaurant. It is the best I had so far inBirmingham.


It is a mainly Cantonese restaurant, however if you read their Chinese menu that you will see they also provide many dishes from northernChinaandSichuanstyle. I ordered three dishes from Chinese menu – Tofu,Sichuanstyle chicken and stir-fried green vegetable. T’s brother and his partner enjoyed very well. They said that they would never order something like these. Even stir-fried green vegetable was completely finished. I always think English do not like vegetables.



Dining in Birmingham (The Simpsons)


Same as every year, T and I chose a Michelin star restaurant to have our Christmas dinner – actually we always have it before Christmas. This time T chose The Simpsons in Birmingham. Simpsons at Edgbaston is converted from a Grade II-listed Georgian building with a Victorian Interior.
When we arrived, we were shown into a luxuriously-upholstered lounge to enjoy olives and an aperitif before being shown to our table. I did not have a chance to take a photo here as it was completely full.


This is the place where we had our dinner. We started early around 7.00pm. Later you will see from the photos it was also fully occupied.


This is the soup provided by the restaurant.


Bread is made fresh everyday and served piping hot. An impressive array of bread was brought to us in a basket. These were all excellent with lovely fluffy interior and the right amount of seasoning. Ten years ago when I first came toEurope, T told me the best dish for him is bread and butter. I was laughing in my mind. Ten years after I have the same conclusion now. Has my taste changed?


My starter – Scallop ravioli, boc choy, sesame seeds, lemon grass and ginger.


T’s starter – Fillet of halibut, burnt sweetheart cabbage, watercress and dill.


My main course – Roasted guinea fowl, pastilla of confit leg, pomegranate, aromatic couscous, date & lemon purée, cumin sauce


T’s main course – Loin of Balmoral venison, broccoli purée, sweed, walnuts, blueberries,  juniper sauce.


Before we ordered dessert, this apple crumble was provided by the restaurant.


T’s dessert – A selection of pasteurised & un-pasteruised English and Continental cheeses


My dessert – Chocolate and parline tart, chantily, mandarin and lemon thyme sorbet.


T took this photo for me in the restaurant.


Inadvertently, a small card on the dinning table attracted my attention. I picked it up and read it – it is cooperation between restaurant and the charity – every table will donate £1 for the chairty. I played with the card while my mind was floating to something else.


The last dessert was a selection of multi-flavoured macaroons, chocolates and sweet.


The surroundings were beautiful. The taste of food was delicate and amazing. It uses various ingredients that you will never think to use in cooking and even mixture with fruit. The service was impeccable. One of the dining areas is the veranda, just outside the room where we are dining. The veranda flooring itself is laid with limestone with glass panels used as the roof, partially covered with blinds, to create a greenhouse effect, allowing natural sunlight to flood in. Martin told me that he had dinner on the veranda. I believe that the restaurant would be absolutely stunning during summer, which makes me thinking about to bring T here again for his next year’s birthday.

As usual we using T’s points and stayed in Hyatt Hotel overnight. We can see plane take off at the airport from the room window when it is clear and sunny day. Every time when T and I come toBirminghamto visit his mother we live here. I never had the chance to touring around. This year we had the chance to look around the canal which I had been thinking of for several years.


When I saw this high-heel shoe, I remembered Summer told me that any shoes over10cmcould arise her desire to buy.


There are still many places I want to see inBirmingham-Aston Hall, back to backs, the place where T was born, worked and lived before. The place his father was teaching before. The last but not the least is to watch a football match!


Next day T and I shopped around and I took the chance to see the German Christmas market. I saw one before inBath, but the size was much smaller.


T never knows what he should buy for me as Christmas gift. I wrote a list of things that I will buy for him. Then he asked me to prepare another list for myself. When I wrote the list, I had a feeling like shopping grocery in the supermarket. I bought most items myself in the end – bought the books and DVDs, which I wanted to buy for a while.


I told T the rumor that the end of the world will be on 21st of December in 2012. T was so happy to hear that and said finally there is no need to buy Christmas gift for me and no need to put up the Christmas tree! 😉


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34 Responses to 圣诞大餐和伯明翰的圣诞市场 (Christmas Dinners and Birmingham)

  1. 凤舞旷宇 says:


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      • 6 says:

        还有。目前WP的相片和slide show不能分家。如果你加入slide show,此篇博文引用的所有照片都会进入slide show。

      • 凤舞旷宇 says:

        6:我第一次按你说的做的时候,就出来文字的[Slide show]了,只是没想到需要预览看效果才行。汗~~就象你说的,这相片和Slide Show不能分家。我也不想把这20-30张照片全放Slide啊?这WP还是有待提高。而且我最近也看不到大家更新了。也不知道是不是只有我有这问题,还是大家都一样?

  2. WENDY says:

    马卡隆上桌还说吃不下, 你太故意了吧. 那家米其林餐厅墙上的画好美哦. 每道菜的摆盘也很美, 见识了, 虽然, 连味道都闻不到. 新年快乐, 宏图大!

  3. 感谢美丽的凤姑娘, 圣殿大餐之余不忘分享,让我们在近万里外,想象烤炖鸡牛和水果搭配的味道。那米芝林餐厅有档次的,好在道数多,道数少的话,那一点点,我肯定吃不饱的。英国的圣诞气氛,让人回到童话和纯真。




  4. 凤舞旷宇 says:


  5. 依云 says:



    圣诞大餐:你们吃的那家餐厅看着的确不错,不过这些样式咱家基本上多能自己鼓捣出来,所以你们来, 可以在家里享受同样的头盘,主盘和餐后甜点,这牛我还真不是吹得,你就直接把那餐费当作路费好了。


    汇报完毕, 我还要考试学习去了。

    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  6. 依云 says:


  7. 后面又看了几张伯明翰的照片,这些地方,运河缭绕,都是工业革命时候的遗产。

    热烈欢迎凤姑娘到前殖民小岛,看看中国劳动人民是如何生活的。我2月24-29日不在香港。其余时间方便。希望带你爬山看海。email me at: bscqx@cityu.edu.hk

  8. Stephanie says:



  9. W J says:


  10. dengaiwu says:


    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


      • dengaiwu says:



      • 凤舞旷宇 says:

        dengaiwu:被你说的很是心动。:)去年BBC有4期节目是关于中国人在非洲的,很有意思。应该在Youtube上可以看到。The Chinese are coming. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft_2FhTgwlI

  11. Summer says:

    你身上那件黑裙子很漂亮,背后那件皮草真没看出来你会买,改走奢华风了啊? :)

    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  12. Nancy says:

    美食美图,你的圣诞看来也过得超级充实哦 :)


    圣诞市场倒是和我们在罗马见的比较像,呵呵 。

  13. Summer says:

    Come on Skype now! Got news for you! 😀

  14. helen says:

    2012快乐! 深有同感,这里很多中国蔬菜买不到, 带了些菜种子来这边种也长不好, 想吃空心菜,苦瓜,芥蓝………

  15. helen says:

    真的? 看来我要再擦亮眼睛好好找找,要是有的话我就有口福了。我在巴斯的中国店都没找到过,就看到有大白菜和上海青。

    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  16. helen says:

    谢谢回复! 在巴斯火车站边上,不久前开了一家中国超市,但是品种也不多。另外就是巴斯大学里有一家。Bristol 有点远了。

  17. 6 says:


  18. Pingback: 失之毫厘,谬以千里 | 凤舞旷宇's space

  19. Madison says:

    Hi there! I just wish to give you a huge thumbs up for your
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  20. Pingback: 2012圣诞大餐和老公的生日宴 | 凤舞旷宇's space

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