公司的圣诞午餐和我的同事们 (The Christmas Lunch and My Colleagues)





做快速消费品行业(FMCG)的人都知道,新产品是每个月不停地推出,我们现在做的产品都已经到2014年了。每个新产品的开发是要包括市场部的人(Marketing)、包装设计师(Packaging Engineer),成本预算的(Costing)、采购(Sourcing)和生产计划的(Planning)的(我们公司光计划这一块儿就分三大类,以后有机会再说)。






















Company Christmas Lunch and My Colleagues

I use a Chinese idiom “文山会海” as a subtitle – literally means a mountain of papers and a sea of meetings. When the idiom appeared, there was no internet. Nowadays with advanced computer technology, we are buried by mountains of emails and endless meetings like sea waves, one after another.

Before I joined this company, I had never seen so many emails everyday. When I came back from 7 days holiday in November, I was completely buried by emails – over 500 emails in 7 days. The new ones like snowflakes still floating in every second. I can only deal with the urgent and priority ones first. Some old ones just lay in my mailbox and I have no time to look at all. Even now I still have over 200 unread emails.

Finally I understand why nobody in my team can afford to go on holiday without carrying a laptop. The main reason for so many emails floating around everyday is due to the structure of our company. There are four categories in our company – personal care and hair care, skin care, fragrance and colour cosmetics. Each sourcing associate is only responsible for one component, for instance, I am only responsible for closure for fragrance. You may think a closure is a simple item, however if you go to a fragrance shop, you will notice that there is no two perfumes with the same closure. In the FMCG industry, new products are launched every month. Some new projects I am working on at the moment are already for 2014. The development of each new project involves Marketing, Packaging Engineering, costing team, sourcing and planning (there are three types of planners in the company).

A new project from a marketing idea through development, cost approval to raise a purchasing order normally takes 8-10 months. Some even take more than a year. The design, drawing, material colour and finish can change all the time during the development. Imagine I have 10 new projects in hand when I first joined the company, if we have 10 new projects each month, by the end of year I have to follow up more than a hundred projects.

I am in charge of closures. Other sourcing associates are responsible for bottle, jar, pump, carton, sachet, sleeve and label, etc. etc. One project involves more than 20 persons from marketing, packaging engineer, sourcing and costing team. Fragrance is my main category. I also have projects in other categories. Every time when a person sends email, he/she has to copy everybody in – cross all four categories and all departments. You can imagine how many persons are in the mailing list – most time are over fifty.  

Particularly for fragrance category, one third to half of projects are not only for EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa), but also for global level — APAC, North America and Latin America all need to be included in. Due to the time difference, there is no single minute that emails stop flowing in.

Sometimes my manager starts sending emails on Saturday or Sunday early mornings. And my supervisor keeps sending email in the middle of night or early morning – I always think he gets up to change baby’s napkin and couldn’t sleep, then starts working.

If we do not receive any emails from my manager for more than two hours, everybody knows he must be on the airplane.

As so many projects need to be followed up, if any issues arise, we have to arrange a meeting and cross all departments. Average 3 or 4 meetings in a day are normal. Maximum 5 or 6 can happen. Because of too many meetings everyday, meeting clashes all the time. People start to arrange meeting during lunch time or in the afternoon after working hours.

Not all new projects can be implemented at the end. One project I had followed since I joined the company. I was working on this project even the weekend before I went on holiday. Eventually it had been killed two weeks after I came back from holiday. All efforts and time consumed has gone like the wind.

To follow up new project is about 50% of my workload.

Company Christmas Lunch and My Colleagues

Before Christmas, the company invited a group of kids to sing Christmas carols. The nice children’ s voices reminded me of Dickens’ novel – A Christmas Carol. Christmas does not mean too much to me, while seeing colleagues’ smiling faces, it brings to me of light, joy, warmth of life. I took this photo from upstairs – it is pity that you can only see kids’ head instead of their cheerful faces. J

Here is the Christmas tree in the lobby. I have never seen such a real, tall Christmas tree in a company before. Yilin, one of my friends, she came to the company for a job interview before Christmas. Although she failed her interview, she was attracted by the company’s atmosphere. (Good for her she did not get that job. She found a new job at the beginning of this year, which is much better and more suitable than this position in my company.)

All below photos were taken during company’s Christmas Lunch.

Sophie (Left) and Melanie (Right, she is responsible for plastic bottles). When I joined the company, she told me that she had also applied for a job in SS in 2010. She had been laid off in a similar period as me in 2009. 

The girl on the left is Lucille (a French girl, she studied Chinese inQingdaoUniversity, where my parents worked before their retirement. A small world!) The man on the right is Matt who is in charge of Colour cosmetics. He sits in front of me, but most of time we have to face our own computers. Every time when I talk to him, I have to stand up to see his face. He is always laughing and said I am like a meerkat. When he had an operation in September, part of his job had been taken by me.

Tom, my manager, he is on the right hand side of Lucille. He is the most responsible manager I have worked so far. He is an open-minded, logical, thoughtful and well-organised person. One Friday afternoon, I was still working in the office around 18.30 (we finish at 15.30 Friday afternoon). I had some questions and asked him just before he was leaving to home. I had thought he may ask me to discuss next Monday. To my surprise, he put down his laptop and sat next to me and showed me all the calculations until I fully understood.

When I told him my father’s health problem, he said he would pray for him when he went to the church on Christmas day.

Chris is sitting opposite Tom. He accompanied Martin and I toPolandin September.

On the right side of Tom is Karla, who joined the company about 3 weeks earlier than I. She is responsible for Fragrance bottles. As each project lasts such a long time and my predecessor did not keep any records and also did not teach me adequately. I have to find out everything myself. Karla has given me a lot of assistance since I joined the company. Her supervisor keeps a good historical record to track back all projects.

The one sat next me is Martin. When he joined the company, Karla was looking for a boyfriend at that time. I was joking with Karla and recommend her Martin. She answered that she did not want a Harry Potter looking boyfriend! 😉

Martin is half French. Before he joined the company, I was a bit worried due to experience I had with my predecessor, who is also French. Actually Martin is a very hard-working person (seems all ox around me are workaholic.). Although we are in charge of different categories, the components we are dealing with have some similarities. A lot of knowledge we can share and learn from each other.

He lives far away from the company, almost an hour driving. Every morning he comes to the company without breakfast and moaning in front of me. I suggested him to have breakfast in the canteen. However he said he couldn’t afford two meals in the company. Then I told him to keep some milk and cereal in the kitchen (There is kitchen on each floor.). At the beginning, he did not bother, maybe thinks too much trouble. In the end he could not stand starving anymore and followed my suggestion. Now every morning you can see him hold a huge bowl of cereal in front of the computer. 😉 Matt said sometime listening to our talk — we are like sister and brother at home.

This is my supervisor – KC. He is the second generation immigrants in theUK. He was born inLondonand obtained his university degree in theUS. He is a very smart and straight forward person. We cooperate well, maybe because we have similar Asian background. It is pity he will leave by the end of February. I think my work will become much more difficult if a new supervisor comes in from outside of company.

KC asked me whether I would like to move to the new company with him. His words reminded me of my manager in Nestle. When she found a new job and started working for a German company, she asked me the same question. Perhaps I am a good assistant and never cover the glory of my boss. J Seems they all prefer to have a subordinate like me. I did not accept her offer and recommended one of my friends in that position. Many years later my friend had been promoted to department manager. On the other hand, I married their big boss. 😉 If I were in that position, I could not imagine that I would fall in love with my big boss as I was never a romantic person. I don’t think I can allow myself to have office love.

Chris, Sophie and Matt are ex-colleague of Tom. After Tom moved to this company he brought them in.

Several days before Christmas lunch, Matt said he was inDominican Republicat the same time last year. Martin said that he was inIndiaand Karla said she was inFiji. I added I was in Ashby de la Zouch. They were laughing. But they did not realize that without those days in Ashby, I would not be here with them. I enjoy working with these dynamic colleagues.

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13 Responses to 公司的圣诞午餐和我的同事们 (The Christmas Lunch and My Colleagues)

  1. W J says:

    在与兔年挥手说再见之前,再抢个你家大沙发 😀

    祝你龙年吉祥、事业更上八层楼 😀 日子舒心、如意!

  2. 蜻蜓 says:

    All the very best for the Year of Dragon!!!

  3. helen says:


  4. cafelili says:


  5. 凤姑娘的这些描写,让我们看见了全球化的公司如何运作。现在的公司,如果不是忙得团团转,好像这间公司就开不下去。Keep busy是西方人的一种祝愿,Keep busy的背后,是continuously prosperous.

    这圣诞大餐,好像就是坐在办公室里吃?看上去,蛮简单的。我们以前的圣诞大餐,都是在星级酒店的西餐厅,buffet lunch, 东西要丰盛得多,还要唱圣诞歌,抽奖等等。这几年,因为部门无水,就把这圣诞大餐给取消了。


    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  6. lisalee78 says:

    俺也来拜年!祝你在新年里工作轻松一点, 有时间享受生活!愿你老爸早点康复!

    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  7. 静水深流 says:

    真是隔行如隔山,看你的介绍觉得工作强度挺大的, 但是我想能全身的参与进去,跟进看到成果也一定很有成就感吧,而且对个人能力应该是非常大的锻炼 🙂 祝凤舞新的一年里工作顺利。还有你爸爸身体好些了吗? 祝福他早日康复 。。

    • 凤舞旷宇 says:


  8. WENDY says:

    快速消费品, 看到这几个字, 我就晕了. 就好象看到COMMERCIAL ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS, 那是要折算青春的活…^0^ 您真厉害!

  9. Pingback: 在这家公司十三个月了! | 凤舞旷宇's space

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